Moving Beyond The Page 6-8
Product Description
The Age 6-8 curriculum constitutes one year of academic instruction in science, social studies, language arts, reading, and math.
In the 6-8 year-old curriculum, your child will explore all subject areas using a hands-on and investigative approach. Oftentimes, homeschoolers are only taught reading, writing, and math during the early years, but a truly comprehensive curriculum will expose them to science and social studies as well. These subjects can be the most engaging and exciting for a young child. The curriculum is also filled with quality literature to enjoy with your child.
The curriculum is built around four core concepts (Community, Matter and Movement, Culture, and Relationships), each explored over a 9-week period. Each concept is broken down into three 3-week units, with each unit containing roughly 10 lessons and a final project. All subjects are integrated into each core concept. By following a daily lesson from each subject area, you can complete the curriculum in about a year.