Moving Beyond The Page 10-12
Product Description
The Age 10-12 curriculum constitutes one year of academic instruction in science, social studies, language arts, and math.
In the Age 10-12 curriculum, your child will explore all subject areas using a hands-on and investigative approach. Oftentimes, homeschoolers are only taught reading, writing, and math during the elementary years, but a truly comprehensive curriculum will expose them to science and social studies as well. These subjects can be the most engaging and exciting for a young child. The curriculum is also filled with quality literature to enjoy with your child.
The Age 10-12 level has the same structure of the Age 9-11 level that preceded it. All units are student directed, so students take responsibility for formulating their own ideas and directing their day. The primary lesson plans are written for your child to read and follow. As a parent, you will still be actively involved. We provide parent overviews of each lesson that include descriptions of the activities and answer keys for you. There are still many activities and opportunities for you to work with your child.
Like previous levels of Moving Beyond the Page, the Age 10-12 curriculum covers science, social studies, and language arts. In language arts, this takes the form of literature units. This enables your child to learn all of his language arts content in an engaging format that centers around interesting stories and characters. We continue to tie in science and social studies, but instead of doing this within each lesson, we do it thematically.
There are a total of 12 literature units that accompany the Age 10-12 level. They are each designed to accompany one of the 12 science / social studies units that make up the year-long curriculum package. All units are broken down into daily lesson plans. When you begin lesson 1 of a science / social studies unit, you will also begin the first day of the corresponding literature unit. The knowledge gained in each science and social studies unit is reinforced through the corresponding literature unit.
The curriculum is built around four core concepts (Environment and Cycles, Force and Power, Change, Systems and Interaction), each explored over a 9-week period.